
La búsqueda de la calidad en los productos finales es imposible sin establecer altos estándares para la gestión de procesos de la empresa. Es por eso que Pakelo se enfrenta constantemente a nuevos desafíos y se somete a auditorías periódicas que aseguran el crecimiento de la propia organización.

Download certification    IATF 16949:2016 is a standard for the quality management system developed by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF). It is based on ISO 9001:2015 standard with the addiction of specific requirements fixed by the automotive industry defining the fundamental demands for its serial and spare part production. The achievement of the certification in 2020 demonstrates that the quality management system of Pakelo Motor Oil S.r.l. is compliant with the regulation and requirements of IATF 16949:2016 outlines and it consequently means that the company satisfied the standards in terms of planning and production of high performance lubricants and special fluids creating a continuously improving process with a peculiar focus on the reduction of faultiness, variability and losses in the supply chain. This certification is recognized by OEMs and car manufacturers whom endorse those suppliers that provide a certified, solid and automotive-specific quality management system.  

Quality management policy

  Pakelo Lubricants is committed to:
  • Improve regularly its management system and fulfill of all those actions required to upgrade the working methods, to assure the use of suitable working tools and to deliver perfectly efficient equipment;
  • Guarantee conformity to duties connected with its activity and products (a.k.a. ius cogens and self-fixed requirements);
  • Increase its market position according with its own context supplying a quality product and constantly satisfying the needs and services requested by the customers;
  • Reach its quality targets in all the company processes;
  • Safeguard the health, the safety and the welfare of Pakelo employees on the working place.
  • Improvement of the market share delivering high-quality final products and pursuing the constant fulfillment of all the customers’ specific product and service needs;
  • Pursuing new markets without losing the focus on historical markets;
  • Increasing knowledge equity operating a constant R&D activity on raw materials and new processes applied for lubricant production;
  • Keep on evaluating economically sustainable and technically possible investments on new equipment, tools, systems, infrastructures;
  • Boost the research and certification of new raw materials and alternative suppliers;
  • Eliminate risks according to the latest acquired knowledge, and whenever this may not be enough, at least reducing them to the minimum possibly acting directly on the reasons generating them;
  • Continuous check and supervision of significant aspects;
  • Adoption of a transparent communication system with customers, suppliers, employees and all the stakeholders to obtain and reinforce trust sentiment towards Pakelo’s actions, products and services.
  • Evaluation of educational/training needs, even those submitted by employees.
  Pakelo Lubricants is engaged in the supply of technical, economical and professional resources required to the target’s fulfillment and it is committed in monitoring the progresses through periodical evaluations aiming at outlining improvement areas (product, process and system audits). It is common duty, for what it may concern, to actively collaborate with liability and professionality to the benefit of the Quality Management System and the achievement of its targets. For all these reasons the company conforms its activities to IATF 16949:2016 standards.

Download certification 

*Communication n. CITVR/216541/PTZNN: due to the Coronavirus’ emergency and based on the provisions issued by the Accreditation Bodies built on the IAF ID3:2011 standards, the period of validity has been extended to 01/10/21. 


Pakelo is committed on preventing pollution, safeguarding and protecting the environment and pursuing a constant upgrade of its management system and environmental impact aiming to lessen the risks connected with its activity, products and services while fulfilling legal and self-imposed requirements.

  • Lessen the energetic and resource consumption using the best available technology;
  • Improving the company waste management and promoting recycling whenever it is possible;
  • Promoting empty packaging recycling and reusing;
  • Lessen, whenever possible, the use of dangerous substances;
  • Evaluating environmentally sustainable investments;
  • Take into account the environmental impact whenever a new equipment, machine, infrastructure or technology has to be bought;
  • Eliminating eventual risks connected with environmental safeguard according with past expertise and technical progress on the matter. In case risks cannot be completely erased Pakelo will commit on reducing them to the minimum;
  • Keeping on analyzing the production process and checking all the environmental aspects/impacts;
  • Adopting an environmental prevention and emergency management plan and sharing it with the suppliers;
  • Transparently communicating the environmental sustainability performance to local community, to customers and to all the stakeholders in order to obtain and reinforce the company reliability;

Pakelo is committed in using all the necessary technical, economical and professional resources to reach the targets. The environmental policy is widespread in the company and everyone is required to support it – for what might be concerned – to improve the Environmental Management System.

Pakelo guarantees the policy to be shared, clearly understood and applied through checking activities controlling the target status. For all these reasons, the company operates and checks its activities in conformity with UNI EN ISO 14001 regulation.




As lubricant manufacturer Pakelo’s area of activity is in the petrochemical field. In the supply of raw materials Pakelo is particularly careful to avoid toxic or hazardous substances to the benefit of both employees’ and end users’ safety and health.

Pakelo has always been sensitive to the environmental impact of its final products. Thanks to its R&D department and the support of the internal laboratory of analysis Pakelo developed “Geolube” Series which contains products with certified biodegradability over 80% (CEC L-33-A.93 test), Ecolabel registered products (according with CE Regulation 66/2010) and lubricants dedicated to applications reducing hydrocarbon consumption.

It is also important to highlight Pakelo’s effort in the production of biodegradable hydraulic oils and greases for machines working in particularly environmental delicate areas such as biodegradable fluids for railway flange wheels lubrication aiming to reduce the impact connected with the inevitable dispersion of lubricants in the environment.

Pakelo also supports renewable energy market with dedicated products such as specific engine oils for cogeneration and trigeneration systems.

Environmental sustainability is one of the drivers under the never-ending updating process in the chemistry and technology applied for final products. For instance, our latest formulations help respecting the most severe limitations set on vehicle emissions (EURO 6, Tier V, etc.) and Pakelo R&D division is also concentrated in the development of high-efficiency transmission oils reducing consumptions and therefore CO2 emissions.


On February 27th 2018 Pakelo obtained the status of Authorized Economic Operator with top AA Rating as a consequence of an audit led by the designated Custom Authorities. Being an Authorized Economic Operator means to be recognized as a secure and safe business partner by Customs Authorities. To get the certification Pakelo demonstrated to possess:

  • An effective management system regarding the commercial and shipment documentation;
  • Assessed solvency;
  • Suitable skills or professional qualifications;
  • Appropriate safety standards.

Thanks to this certification Pakelo can therefore benefit of:

  • Improved relations with Customs and other government authorities;
  • Easier admittance to customs simplifications;
  • Fewer physical and document-based controls;
  • Prior notification and priority treatment if selected for controls;
  • Easier exportation towards countries subscribing MRAS (Mutual Recognition Agreements) e.g. China, Japan, Norway, Switzerland and USA.

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